Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sprinker Time!

We got the sprinkler out for the second time this summer and Audrie was pretty tenative the first time we did it, so we were not sure how she was going to react the second time. As you can tell by the pictures, so is no longer shy of the water. She loved even more watching her sister and brother run through it. She thought they were pretty funny. I wish I could have recorded the giggles. This is the joy of being a mom and teacher, I get to enjoy these moments with my kids all summer long, I love it!
Audrie running through the sprinkler.
Audrie loved putting her mouth on the hoses and drinking the water.

James having summer fun!

Little Miss Abbie posing!
Just barely getting wet.
Pointing to sister and brother as they do silly tricks through the sprinkler.

1 comment:

  1. ADORABLE!!! I can't believe how big all your kids are getting. I miss you guys!!! Starting in September we will be operating flights in to Spokane...between that and Seattle, I see a weekend trip in my future. :)

    Love you guys,
