Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Isn't this why we have kids??

Just Kidding. I can think of 1,000 other positive reasons we have our kids, but what a blessing it was for Abbie to ask me if she can vacuum our house the other day. I know that it won't always be this easy to have her want to help with choirs, but I was happy to have her help and she actually did a very good job. I captured a few pictures just for that when she is 15 and not wanting to do it, I can say "See, you used to smile and LOVE it!"

Monday, July 26, 2010

Fort Building

James and Abbie have been begging to sleep in the backyard in a tent for a week or so. But doing that on a weeknight doesn't work because Jim has to work in the morning and someone has to be in the house for Audrie, so I helped them come to a compromise. We built a fort in their room around the bunk bed so that they could sleep under it. They had so much fun planning it and getting all their evening activities planned (tic-tac-toe, DSi time, snacks, etc.) It was cute to hear them plan it and work together. They had a blast. (Note my son in his fleece pj's on a 75 degree night :) )
Under the fort.
Posing for pictures.

Getting ready to go in.

The outside view.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Pea Eater

We have a garden that is flourishing and thankfully so, because our littlest peanut is a pea lover, unlike her Grandpa Jim. She will eat peas, morning, noon, and night. The kids went out to play in the yard around 9:00am the other morning and she was bringing me peas to shuck. She loves picking them out one by one or running her teeth along the side of the pod to have them fall off in her mouth. Currently it is the only thing she will eat and beg for in large quanities. In fact, I paid James a penny a piece to pick pods the other day, and he picked 86. I had a friend over and her and I talked while shucking about 50 of them, and here is how Audrie thought she could get the most in her mouth, vacuum style. The picture speaks for itself, however I wish I had captured the slurping noises. Priceless!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wild Waves

Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures. My cousin instructed me (which I read too late) to take a picture that morning of the "surprise" event, but I didn't even think of that. So you will just have to hear about it by reading my post. We surprised James and Abbie with a trip to Wild Waves and thanks to three wonderful friends, one who gave us discounted tickets (thanks April!), and two (Robin and Laura) who watched Audrie all day, we were able to enjoy the day with the bigger kids without nap interruption and such. The morning started out with drive-thru breakfast per kids request, dropping off Audrie, James' growth doctor appointment and blood draw (he is such a trooper!) and off to Wild Waves. Tuesday morning by 11:30 when we arrived, the weather was still a little cloudy, so we went on the dry rides first. James and Jim went straight for the Ring of Fire, which Jim regretted for the next 20 minutes. James liked it OK but said he wasn't sure if he wanted to go on anymore upside down roller coaster rides for a little while. Abbie and I stuck to the merry-go-round and some of the little kids rides. James and I did do the mouse trap, which I have to admit, I closed my eyes most of the time. James said it was the first time he has ever heard me scream :)! We made Abbie do the Lumber Jack ride, which we promised her she wouldn't get that wet and we sat next to her the whole time (she cried the whole time). She will tell you she didn't like it, but she had a slight smile at the end and no, we didn't get a little wet, we were SOAKED! We continued riding rides until about 1:00, had lunch and the sun was peaking through. We were so excited to go on the water slides. Because of the early overcast, I think it eliminated a lot of people from coming because the lines weren't very long. James attacked every ride with excitement and enthusiasm. Abbie loved the wave pool, I mean only the wave pool. She didn't attempt even the small kid sized water slides. We could have just taken her to the Enumclaw swim pool. She would have been just as happy. She even took a nap around 3:00, very unusual for her, but she wore herself out swimming. James says that he can't pick a favorite water slide, they were all AWESOME! He can't wait to go again. Abbie says she had a great day, but maybe next time she will stay with Audrie at Robin's house. She is just a little more tentative these days. We took the kids to seafood, again per their request and off to Legendary Donuts for dessert. A place I will be taking my dad the next time he comes to visit! Jim and I were exhausted at the end. We both remember the all day fun we had at Wild Waves with Lightway, back in the day, and don't remember being that tired. We feel like we are getting OLD!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

More Lake Day pictures

As a part of this Lake Day, early in the morning, the Dad's took the kids to Lake Twelve in Black Diamond to go fishing. They figured they would probably not get to do it during all the festivities of Lake Day. So, they went and caught about 30 bluegills. We fried them up as a part of our meal that evening. The kids all had a blast, Abbie even got the biggest fish. On another note, I posted pictures last time of the watermelon eating contest. I failed to mention that there was an adult contest also. Unfortunetly (not really), there is no record that I participated in said contest (even though I did come in second, that darn Julie Hargan, she is good at everything!) It was really a blast.

All the kids with at least on of the fishies they caught.
Carter, Benjamin, and James roasting marshmallows by the fire. James confessed later that evening, because he wasn't supervised, he probably had about 10 marshmallows, later revised to maybe 15. No wonder he had trouble falling asleep that evening.

Jim enjoying a moment alone of the dock eating dinner. Why didn't I eat dinner alone, oh yeah, I was with the three kids!
Ashlyn and Abbie floating in the tubes.

Audrie enjoying playing in the rocks.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Lake Day at the Hardebecks

Our friends the Hardebecks plan a Lake Day every year with about 10 families with 30+ kids, we have a day on Lake Lucerne in Maple Valley. It has become a yearly tradition and as Carter would say his "Favorite holiday besides his birthday." This year along with the joy of being on a lake and all the fun that can be had, they also planned fun games, pictures to follow. We had a WONDERFUL time with friends, enjoying the sun, and getting some good laughs. We are so grateful to have so many great families/friends in our lives that make life so fun and memorable.

Taylor, Audrie, and Ashlyn, bathing beauties in the pool!
Audrie loving the cool lake water.

Abbie swimming around. Don't know how well that life jacket is fitting?

Abbie jumping off the dock.

James taking a swing at the piñata.

Abbie's turn.

Mad dash for the piñata candy!
Watermelon eating contest. James was the WINNER!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sprinker Time!

We got the sprinkler out for the second time this summer and Audrie was pretty tenative the first time we did it, so we were not sure how she was going to react the second time. As you can tell by the pictures, so is no longer shy of the water. She loved even more watching her sister and brother run through it. She thought they were pretty funny. I wish I could have recorded the giggles. This is the joy of being a mom and teacher, I get to enjoy these moments with my kids all summer long, I love it!
Audrie running through the sprinkler.
Audrie loved putting her mouth on the hoses and drinking the water.

James having summer fun!

Little Miss Abbie posing!
Just barely getting wet.
Pointing to sister and brother as they do silly tricks through the sprinkler.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summer Fun!

I have been trying to do little trips locally twice a week with the kids to get us out and about and to let them have some low cost summer fun! We have discovered Les Gove park in Auburn that not only has a great playground, but a sprinkler park as well. We went last Friday and had a BLAST! The kids loved the sprinkler park as much as the playground. We packed and lunch and were there almost 4 hours. Audrie fell asleep before we left the parking lot on the way home.

Playing in the sand box at the playground part.
This is a swing. The kids loved it. It was fun to watch them do it together. This would have been a great picture if only Audrie would look when I call her name.

Abbie enjoying the water!
Little Miss Faith getting her hair wet.

Loving it!

The Green Monster!!

Thought it would be a good idea to use up some green frosting that I didn't use for a cake I was making, and put it on some graham crackers for a dessert for the kids. Well..... as you can see Audrie loved the idea! One of those parental moments that you realize it was a good idea in theory, but not in reality. Also, might have been a good idea to put her in the high chair, not just at the table. :) Her brother and sister thought it was sooo funny!

4th of July and our little sparkler's b-day!

Family Photo!
4th of July is not only an American tradition, but it is our Abbie's birthday. So we try to make it a special day celebrating our nation's freedom and our lovely girl coming into this world. She really did arrive with a bang and has been sparkling in our lives ever since.
Waiting in anticipation of sister's b-day cake! Doesn't she look hungry. Too cute!
Happy 6th Birthday Abbie Grace!

Audrie is ready for the parade! Our neighborhood does a parade every year with the fire trucks leading the way. There is only one year that we have missed it, that was 6 years ago today that I was rushing to the hospital as everyone else was getting ready for the parade. Abbie was born a few hours later at 1:09 p.m.
James is ready also!
Birthday girl is ready with her ballon that says, Today is my birthday! She was so proud.

11th anniversary

We got the opportunity to get away for a night and a day for our 11th anniversary on July 2nd and 3rd thanks to my gracious mom who took all three kids for us. We did pay her with a bottle of wine and sushi upon returning, but it was worth it. We had a blast and the kids loved spending time with grandma. Here are some of our pictures of our trip.
Having a scrumptious dinner at the Alderbrook Resort restraunt. Kayaking on the Hood Canal. A must for anyone!

Us in front of the Alderbrook Resort.

My husband!

Our kayaking buddy!